All that matters in life is to be happy right?

For long now, this quote has stuck with me and every time I recall it, it has made me wonder where I stand in my life. 

Hey there, it’s me Richa! Your host and first of all, an individual that has always believed in the universe; a bit more in the one that resides in ourselves than the one out there. 
Humans need humans, and in running races that have no end, we often forget that we have ourselves and that we need ourselves more than anyone else. 
Live in love with myself is a feeling of mine that with the support of all my loved ones has taken the form of a workshop, rather a safe place where people from all around India have been coming together and sharing the same thoughts every single day for 21 days and taking out time to live for and as they are.

21 days 21 challenges

21 days of a safe space

21 days of calm

21 days to know yourself better

21 days of togetherness

A word from the participants
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Workshop I Response Chart
And your journey starts with no one but you.